Optherium labs oü


Optherium is a new blockchain standard In Optherium Labs, our goal is to solve current fintech problems by building a private distributed ledger network permitting individuals and corporations to securely store, interchange and trade digital assets with world fiat currencies worldwide, with no limits.

Kontaktandmed Üldandmed Teenuse pakkumise kohad ja teenuse pakkumise eest vastutavad isikud Rahvusvahelise OPTHERIUM LABS OÜ. 14414828: Management board member: How are businesses of Sergey Bekiyants doing? As a user of the Credit Reports Plus package here you will see Isik on seotud järgnevate ettevõtetega: OPTHERIUM LABS OÜ. Kuidas läheb isikuga seotud ettevõtetel? Krediidiraportid Pluss paketi kasutajana näed siin seotud ettevõtete krediidireitinguid, lisasks näed ära kas nendes ettevõtetes on esinenud maksuvõlgu, kohtutäiturite nõudeid, kohtu maksekäske- ja ettepanekuid või inkassomenetlusi. Taust.ee on parim lahendus enda klientide ja partnerite taustainfo vaatamiseks. Keskkonda on kokku kogutud info erinevatest andmebaasidest, mis võimaldab Teil saada hea ülevaade isiku taustast. Optherium Labs: ; credit info, contacts, taxes, debts, real estate, court judgments, public procurements. Optherium Labs is a blockchain technology company, offering an ecosystem of products and services, powered with Optherium blockchain, AI and biometrics.

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Статус предприятия - активный. Сфера деятельности optherium labs oÜ Kaupade või teenuste krediidiga müümisel on alati risk, et raha tehingu eest jääb saamata. LAHENDUS: Krediidihinnangu teenus Ettevõttekaart Optherium Labs OÜ koodiga 14414828. Aadress Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Roosikrantsi tn 2-379, 10119. Vaata maksehäireid, maksevõlgasid. Vaata kinnisturaamatu kandeid, ametlikke teadaandeid, kohtulahendeid ning 2014 aastast MTA avaldatavat tasutud makseid. Taust.ee Optherium Labs OÜ .

About us Optherium is the most powerful, secure and cost-effective ecosystem for digital banking. Our products are Innovative white label Fintech and Regtech Software-as-a-Service for digital

Optherium enables users to instantly convert digital currencies to fiat currencies, seamlessly, with near-instant transactions in a decentralized environment. Ready-made and fully customizable digital banking applications for Web, iOS and Android platforms allows clients to begin earning money under their brand as soon as tomorrow, by utilizing Optherium partner network licenses, permissions, certifications and modular microservices. The Optherium team claim that their solutions will facilitate instant currency conversions and confirmations.

Optherium labs oü

Download apps by Optherium Labs OU, including VivexPay.

Seotud isikud nii tabelkujul kui ka lahti klikatavas seoste visualseeringus Kehtivad ja endised esindusõigusega isikud, nõukogu liikmed, omanikud ja tütarettevõtted OPTHERIUM LABS OÜ. 14414828: Management board member: How are businesses of Sergey Bekiyants doing?

S. B.; Rollid: Juhatuse liige, Osanik; Ettevõtted: OPTHERIUM LABS OÜ; The Website is the property of Optherium Labs OÜ, registered in Estonia (EU) with the registration code 14414828 (Optherium Labs).

Krediidiraportid Pluss paketi kasutajana näed siin seotud ettevõtete krediidireitinguid, lisasks näed ära kas nendes ettevõtetes on esinenud maksuvõlgu, kohtutäiturite nõudeid, kohtu maksekäske- ja ettepanekuid või inkassomenetlusi. Optherium labs is a member of the linux and hyperledger foundations and the crypto valley association. The company is building and developing a new standard of private blockchain solutions. Oct 01, 2018 · Optherium labs, the standard for digital asset management utilizing advanced type ledger technology and decentralized file system incorporating IPFS fast transaction with much power. Optherium Labs, a global FinTech company incorporated in Europe, has obtained a Digita Currency Exchange License and eWallet License in the European Union (EU Learn More.

Optherium Labs is a blockchain technology company with a global financial provider partner network. We provide ecosystem of products and services, powered with patented Multidecentralized private blockchains network technology, which makes digital banking faster, safer and more cost effective About us Optherium is the most powerful, secure and cost-effective ecosystem for digital banking. Our products are Innovative white label Fintech and Regtech Software-as-a-Service for digital Optherium Labs OÜ. Registrikood: 14414828. Tegevusaadress: Roosikrantsi tn 2-379 Tallinn Harjumaa 10119. Juriidiline aadress. Roosikrantsi tn 2-379 Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn Harju maakond 10119 KMKR nr: Vaata käibemaksu infot.

Optherium labs oü

Üldandmed Teenuse pakkumise kohad ja teenuse pakkumise eest vastutavad isikud Rahvusvahelise finantssanktsiooni eest vastutav isik. Loa number . FVR000098 . Tegevusala Optherium Labs OÜ . Registrikood .

The company's platform brings fundamental changes to blockchain technology so that it is usable by the banking and finance industry, enabling users to use digital currencies without any hassle. Oct 25, 2018 Optherium is a new blockchain standard In Optherium Labs, our goal is to solve current fintech problems by building a private distributed ledger network permitting individuals and corporations to securely store, interchange and trade digital assets with world fiat currencies worldwide, with no limits. 3,668 Followers, 932 Following, 128 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Optherium Labs (@optherium) The current COVID-19 pandemic may affect hours of operation. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center offers several outpatient lab test sites conveniently located throughout central Ohio.

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Optherium Labs OÜ . Registrikood . 14414828 . Kontaktandmed Majandustegevusteated (0) Tegevusload (0) Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

We are a private limited company registered in Estonia under the name of Optherium Labs OÜ, with company number 14414828.