Bibox coinmarketcap


FINEXBOX is a global P2P cryptocurreny trading exchange.Buying, selling and transferring your digital assets,like bitcoin,ETH token

The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #892, with a live market cap of $7,933,865 USD. It has a circulating supply of 85,430,525 BIX coins and the max. supply is not available.The top exchanges for trading in Bibox Token are currently Huobi Global, ZT, Bibox, and Huobi Korea. Bibox trade volume and market listings Bibox has its own native token, BIX, which it first sold via an initial coin offering (ICO) prior to launch in October 2017. Out of an initial supply of 500 million tokens, 131,520,349 BIX ended up being sold during the public sale, with another 140 million being allocated to the team. The total supply was thus capped at 271,520,349 BIX. Bibox 거래량 및 시장 리스트 Bibox 交易量和市场列表 Bibox alım satım hacmi ve piyasa listeleri The Bibox exchange, one of the most active markets, has joined the Data Transparency Alliance established by CoinMarketCap. The Alliance aims to inform traders, without censoring exchanges and market operators, by providing accurate data about accounts, trading activity, and order books. Follow Bitcoin and your favorite alternative currencies.

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However  CoinMarketCap recently announced the formation of an alliance with Exchanges to deter unethical practices at cryptocurrency Exchanges like market manipulat. The volume being reported by Bibox on their BTC/DAI pair is getting how exchanges fake up to 93% of their volume to chase rankings: . xchange-bibox · [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration. 17 days ago. xchange-bibox · xchange-binance xchange-coinmarketcap. 9 Jul 2019 Transparency and accountability are central to Bibox's mission, as demonstrated by their recent joining of CoinMarketCap's Data Accountability  bibox, Bibox, 1, API. bigone, BigONE, 2, API. binance, Binance, *, API coinmarketcap, CoinMarketCap, 1, API. coinmate, CoinMate, *, API. coinone, CoinOne, 2  Bibox Token (BIX) is a token used to access Bibox exchange. The token works in a similar manner to BNB (Binance Token) and KCS (KuCoin Shares), providing  You can submit a new crypto project (needs to be listed on CoinMarketCap) logo to Crypto Logos by sending us the .SVG (vector) file of the logo.

Nov 12, 2018 · BIX is Bibox’s native token. One BIX token is currently equal to $0.35. With a total market capitalization of $35,951,193 and a daily trading volume of $14,838,765, the Bibox Token is currently placed 141st on price tracker

BIX is Bibox’s native token. One BIX token is currently equal to $0.35.

Bibox coinmarketcap

Get Bibox Token price, BIX chart in real-time, volume, market cap, exchanges and more.

Bibox Token is up 3.98% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #892, with a live market cap of $7,933,865 USD. It has a circulating supply of 85,430,525 BIX coins and the max. supply is not available.The top exchanges for trading in Bibox … 264 rows Bibox has its own native token, BIX, which it first sold via an initial coin offering (ICO) prior to launch in October 2017. Out of an initial supply of 500 million tokens, 131,520,349 BIX ended up being sold during the public sale, with another 140 million being allocated to the team. 264 rows 264 rows Mar 30, 2020 Bibox alım satım hacmi ve piyasa listeleri Bibox is the world's leading digital currency trading platform, which provides users with a safe, stable, transparent and convenient trading environment based on AI technology.

This example is provided by Bibox: "The net profit of this week is 100BTC in, if you hold 130000BIX, you will receive (130000/130000000) *30%* 100BTC 【Report】Bibox Europe Official Launch on Track, Raises Equity Investment from a Global Top-10 Bank 【Report】Bibox Crypto Exchange to Join CoinMarketCap Transparency Alliance 【News】The First-ever Bibox Global Meetup Ended in Great Success in Singapore 【News】Bibox Obtains Swiss VQF License Ushering A New Era of Global Development. Bibox & Huobi ECO Chain (Heco) Achieve Strategic Cooperation 1st DeFi Weekly Report 【Report】Bibox Europe Official Launch on Track, Raises Equity Investment from a Global Top-10 Bank 【Report】Bibox Crypto Exchange to Join CoinMarketCap Transparency Alliance 【News】The First-ever Bibox Global Meetup Ended in Great Success in Singapore BIX is Bibox’s native token, which allows its holders to access discounted trading fees. The exchange has around 30 currencies listed at the moment and 179 markets running according to CoinMarketCap. Read more Feb 04, 2021 · Bibox trade volume and market listings | CoinMarketCap Bibox trade volume and market listings Our new "What You Said" series is live!

Read more Oct 31, 2018 · One of those places was Bibox, the ninth-largest exchange by 24-hour adjusted volume, according to CoinMarketCap, which accounts for basically all trading – 96 percent at the time of writing – in the Gemini Dollar (GUSD), a dollar-pegged alternative to tether. The Bibox Token is ranked at #136 on coinmarketcap. Like the majority of the market, BIX is fluctuating and dropped by 5.19 % in the course of the past 24-hours. The trading volume recorded is $20.813 million, while the supply has 108,417,395 BIX tokens in play. Dec 17, 2018 · 【Report】Bibox Europe Official Launch on Track, Raises Equity Investment from a Global Top-10 Bank 【Report】Bibox Crypto Exchange to Join CoinMarketCap Transparency Alliance 【News】Bibox Acquires Decentralized Exchange, Accelerating its Ecosystem Development in Blockchain BIX is Bibox’s native token, which allows its holders to access discounted trading fees.

The Alliance  Bibox Will List Kine Protocol(KINE) on 3/11/2021 · Bibox DeFi Will List Unido Bank · 【Report】Bibox Crypto Exchange to Join CoinMarketCap Transparency   Bibox is the world's leading digital currency trading platform, which provides users with a safe, stable, transparent and convenient trading environment based on  Get Bibox Token price, BIX chart in real-time, volume, market cap, exchanges and more. Bibox exchange 24 hours trading volume is $327121025.28 (5779.42 BTC) This exchange base country is China. Bibox exchange established in 2017. Kraken & public APIs such as CryptoCompare and CoinMarketCap CHARTS: Poloniex, HitBTC, OKEx, BitZ, Bitstamp, DigiFinex, Coinbene, Huobi, Bibox,  [NEWS] MED listing on Bibox Exchange MediBloc team is excited to announce that ranks as one of the top 20 exchanges by trade volume (CoinMarketCap). COINMARKETCAP.COM. Bibox Token (BIX) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics | CoinMarketCap. In contrast, OKEx and Bibox topped the list of exchanges with the highest rate of wash trading.

Bibox coinmarketcap

TOKOK, BITFRONT, YoBit,, WhaleEx, LocalTrade, LBank, BtcTurk PRO, Sushiswap, Compound Finance, Bibox, Coinone, LATOKEN, BitMax, ProBit   2021 | All rights reserved. Trade $ZEFU tokens on: Uniswap. ZEFU/ ETH. Bithumb Global. ZEFU/USDT · ZEFU/ETH · ZEFU/BTC. Bibox.

Mar 08, 2020 · In spite of just beginning in 2017, Bibox has been doing exceptionally well for a recent market entrant and is currently generating a good amount of trading volume. The company holds the 21st ranking among the top 100 exchanges by trading volume listed by Coinmarketcap. Having evolved as one of the largest exchanges of late, Bibox is backed by Now Bibox with over 200 million dollars ranks top 10 on CoinMarketCap by 24 hours global trading volume. With the bear market lasts over half a year, cryptocurrency exchanges are facing shuffle FINEXBOX is a global P2P cryptocurreny trading exchange.Buying, selling and transferring your digital assets,like bitcoin,ETH token According to CoinMarketCap, Bibox exchange’s trading volume has reached the top 5. This is not only due to to the accumulation of loyal users, but also the global layout of Bibox as its business has already covered over 10 countries such as the United States, Canada, South Korea and so on, which also means that the exchange has high risk Bibox Token is up 3.98% in the last 24 hours.

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Bibox exchange 24 hours trading volume is $327121025.28 (5779.42 BTC) This exchange base country is China.